Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Birthday Musings

Yep, it's late enough in the day, I will admit it. Today is the 46th anniversary of my entering the world. I've done more than some, less than others. Good things, bad things. Good decisions, Bad decisions. While I would do some things differently if I had it to do over again (who wouldn't?), I would not trade my life for anyone else's. One of my mistakes was getting married too young, while I was still too immature. Yet from that, my greatest legacy sprung. My son. 21 years old, full of "piss & vinegar". Before he was old enough to legally drink a beer, he was a combat veteran. Now back home, he pursues his goals, and each one he attains brings me a new measure of pride. Since he is now a man, all I can do is offer advice and let him decide whether or not to take it. Watching him make his way forward is one of my greatest joys.

Another great joy is the woman I was fortunate enough to meet a little over 2 years ago. She's a little older than I, but has aged very gracefully. She is downright beautiful. I am very, very glad she is a part of my life. Those who say "the best is yet to come" may have a point. I look forward to spending my years with her, exploring and building a world together.

I am a very fortunate, very blessed man.


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